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Notifications are actions taken when a job transitions from one phase to another through-out its lifecycle. The phase-transitions that can occur during a job's lifecycle (and thus can trigger notifications) are:

  • Acquisition: a worker node has reserved the job for exclusive access
  • Release: the worker node has released the job, as it cannot perform it (due to missing requirements, e.g. hardware)
  • Start: the worker node has checked that it can perform the job, and has started to do so
  • Progression: the worker node has made some progress toward completing the job
  • Finish: the worker node has successfully completed the job
  • Error: the worker node has encountered a problem while trying to complete the job
  • Reset: the worker node has voluntarily reset the job to its initial state (occurs when a worker-node crashes, comes back online, and has lost the work-state needed to continue the job)
  • Abortion: an admin user has forcefully reset the job to its initial state (used to unlock jobs from crashed worker-nodes)
  • Cancellation: a user has determined that the job is no longer required

Notification Data#

A packet of notification data is given to each notification type, to be used to add job-specific information to the notification. See the Notification Types section for how this information is added to each type of notification. The data provided is:

  • transition: str (the transition that occurred)
  • description: str (the description field of the job that transitioned)
  • pk: int (the primary-key of the job that transitioned)
  • progress: float (the current progress amount of the job that transitioned)
  • cancelled: bool (whether the job that transitioned has been cancelled)
  • node (optional): int (the primary-key of the node that has acquired the job, if any)
  • error (optional): str (the error that stopped the job, if any)
  • transition_data: JSON object (arbitrary data supplied during a progress transition, empty for all other transitions)

Notification Types#

The server currently supports specification of 3 types of notification. These are defined when creating a job from a job-template. Named replacement-fields below refers to a part of a string which is replaced with data from the notification data provided to the notification. It appears as the name of a notification data field enclosed in {} e.g. "Hello from job #{pk}" would have the sub-string "{pk}" substituted with the pk value from the notification data, to become e.g. "Hello from job #1".

Prints a message to the log output of the server.

  • JSON object containing:

    • message: str (can contain named replacement fields)

Email Notification#

Sends an email to a recipient.

  • JSON object containing:

    • subject: str (can contain named replacement fields, except for transition_data)
    • body: str (can contain named replacement fields)
    • to: array of str
    • cc: array of str
    • bcc: array of str

Websocket Notification#

To specify a web-socket notification, use an empty JSON object. Clients listening to the job (via Connect To Job) will receive the notification data, as JSON via the connected websocket, for transitions that have this notification type specified.